Yo soy una persona que no suele viajar en autobús, Yo siempre prefiero andar en bicicleta, automóvil, tren, y caminar, pero últimamente estoy utilizando mucho el tren. (Este "muy" se van todos los días al servicio, volver a casa, ir a la universidad y volver a casa de nuevo.).
En mi viaje real he observado una modalidad que crece día a día de diversas maneras y en diferentes lugares, pero sobre todo en el tren.
Dado el tamaño del crecimiento, creo que esta área merece más atención de un grupo de expertos, como ha venido mostrando un mercado emergente y prometedor.
El otro día me iba a trabajar temprano en la mañana. En el tren repleto de pasajeros, había un hombre ciego pidiendo limosna. Pensé : ¿ a la horas pico y con el tren tan concurrido en este momento y este hombre decide a pedir? Porque ahora y no después?
La respuesta fue rápida. Cuando regresé a mi casa esa noche y no era una pico me encontré con una escena que me dejó atónito: a cada estación llega un mendigo que tiene impedimentos visuales, silla de ruedas, andador, inmigrantes, desempleados, etc.
De ahí en mas, comencé a observar este tipo de acciones más de cerca y encontré que cada uno tiene su propio script, desde los más simples a los más atrevidos, sus lugares estratégicos, los dispositivos, los medios de comunicación para apelar a la emoción y mucha creatividad, algunos de ellos me llamó la atención.
Hubo un momento en que era simplemente caminar con la mano extendida; hoy en día este comportamiento ya no tiene el mismo resultado.
Uno de los más interesantes y sorprendentes que vi fue en un autobús. Yo no sabía que existía esta práctica en los autobuses también.
Un hombre joven con un niño sube al colectivo, solicita la aprobación del conductor y este mismo hace el siguiente discurso:
Señoras y señores, aquí estoy humildemente pidiendo su colaboración, no tengo un trabajo y vivo en el este (Nota: Yo estaba en Carapicuíba, en el autobús que recibió donaciones de al menos 20 personas, si bien es cierto que vive en el este y llegó a hacer esto en otros autobuses )
Seguramente tenía dinero suficiente para comprar un gas y una Kitchener!
Pero el foco en este artículo no es matemática, sino puramente de marketing.
Otro caso interesante ocurrió en el tren era una mujer diciendo que tenía cáncer y que estaba desempleada, etc., en lágrimas, las lágrimas cayendo a pedazos en la mendicidad…” Por el amor de Dios ayuda!, exclamaba. Llegó por casualidad en la misma estación que yo, y nos sentamos en el mismo banco. La ironía es que justo cuando salía de composición, las lágrimas se habían ido, su respiración se había normalizado y contó tranquilamente el dinero recibido.
Para no convertirse en una lectura pesada, voy a mencionar sólo algunas partes de algunos casos.
He visto: "¿Me puede dar una ayuda, porque tengo que hacer una entrevista y no tengo dinero para el pasaje, "" ¿Puede alguien me ayude, que acabo de salir de la cárcel por el asesinato del violador de mi hija ","Ayúdame, porque fui dado de alta hoy", "Tengo meningitis, laberintitis, neumonía, derrame cerebral", y lo interesante es que nos cuenta que sólo había pan crujiente en el carro 'y así sucesivamente.
Fuera de los lemas: "Es mejor pedir que robar" "Podría ser usted", "una cantidad que no debe perderse," todo vale "," billetes de transporte Aprobado / comida "y así sucesivamente…
Y tendremos que enfrentar si es o no es un mercado muy prometedor. Imaginar a un analista haciendo su trabajo y decir:
Hablar en voz alta, hablar no sólo en los extremos del coche, mirarse en el ojo a la hora de preguntar, usar ropa adecuada, envolver a la audiencia con historias, utiliza el sentimiento.
Piense en esto, la evolución fue tal que el famoso "marreteiros" tuvo que rodar para luchar contra esta competencia, la diversificación de productos, son el tipo de títeres
"Escribe dos proveedores en cada extremo del vagón de mercancías se venden, por ejemplo, 3,00 a 5,00 para los dos y luego un vendedor dice:
LOOK RAPA! (Seguridad) ta en otro coche, tenemos que quemar los bienes! (Disponible más barato) "y luego empezar a vender los 1,00 dólares, entre otros. Compartir estas experiencias podría parecer divertido, pero sigue siendo trágico.
segunda-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2009
terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2009
Beggar Marketing
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I’m a person that normally doesn’t use take bus, always I prefer by bike, car, train or just walk, but recently I’m using train so much, when I said so much it’s means every day, to go to work, back to home, go to school and back to home again.
In this real daily trip that I do, I’ve observed a modality that is increasing every day, of different ways and in different places, but especially on the train.
Seeing the ways of increasing, in my opinion this modality or habit deserves more attention by specialists groups, cause show a modality that is in a meteoric rise.
Another day, going to work in the morning, the train was crowded, there was a blind man begging, and I thought with myself: Just in the rush, that the train is extremely crowded and just now this person decides begging? Why now and not later?
The answer came quickly, when I was back to home at evening, time there’s less movement of people on the train, I could see a scene that impressed me, each station that the train stopped , a new beggar came, blinds, handicapped, a simple beggar, immigrant, homeless, unemployed, etc.
Since this day I started to observe this type of action with more attention and I could see that each person have your own script, there is simplest to the most prepared, they have strategic places to stay, media devices, emotional appeal and are very creative. Some of them caught my attention:
There was a time when it was just walk by train with hands outstretched, but today’s this don’t have the same results, see some example that get my attention.
The most interesting and surprising that I saw was on the bus, I did not know there was this practice in bus too.
A boy with a child enters on the bus, asks permission to the driver and makes the following speech.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m here, humility, bagging for your collaboration, cause the cooking gas in my house ended, I’m unemployed and I live in east (PS: I was in the west), on the bus he received donations of a minimum 20 people, if really is true that he lives on east and came make him speech in many bus, certainly he just has money to buy the gas and stove! But the focus in this article isn’t mathematical, is only marketing.
Another case interesting on train was a old woman saying have cancer, unemployed, etc., crying a lot she begging, and asked for Goodness any help, coincidentally she got off the train at the same station that I, and we sat on the same bank, it’s ironic that in the exactly moment that she got off the train she stopped crying, her breathing returned to normal and she quietly count the money received.
To not to be a tedious read, I will cite only some parts of some cases.
I’ve seen: “Can you give me help cause I need make a job interview and I don’t have money to go”, “Someone help me cause I got out of jail now, because I killed my daughter's rapist”, “Help me, I was evicted today”, “I have meningitis, labyrinthitis, pneumonia, stroke”, and also ask complains that no one gives help, and so on.
Beyond slogans: “better to ask than to steal”, “Could be you”, “an amount not to be missed”, “Can be anything”, “I accept transportation tickets / meal”, etc.
See, it’s a really promising market isn’t it, imagine what an analyst would say about it:
Speak loudly and confident, don’t stay only in the extremities of the carriage, look in the eyes of each one when ask, use appropriate clothing, involves the people with stories, use yours feeling.
Think about it, the evolution was so great that the famous “marreteiros (halkers)” had to improve yours methods to fight against this unfair competition, diversify products, make kind of theater like that : “two vendors enter on the same wagon , each one in a side of wagon and start selling with a normal price, for example R$3,00 or R$5,00, then one of the vendors says: “ Olha o RAPA!!!”(Security guards), we need sell all products! (Sell at lower price)”, so starts the sell about R$1,00 for example.
I thought this is very cool, and I’d like to share these experiences, even being funny, but still tragic.
In this real daily trip that I do, I’ve observed a modality that is increasing every day, of different ways and in different places, but especially on the train.
Seeing the ways of increasing, in my opinion this modality or habit deserves more attention by specialists groups, cause show a modality that is in a meteoric rise.
Another day, going to work in the morning, the train was crowded, there was a blind man begging, and I thought with myself: Just in the rush, that the train is extremely crowded and just now this person decides begging? Why now and not later?
The answer came quickly, when I was back to home at evening, time there’s less movement of people on the train, I could see a scene that impressed me, each station that the train stopped , a new beggar came, blinds, handicapped, a simple beggar, immigrant, homeless, unemployed, etc.
Since this day I started to observe this type of action with more attention and I could see that each person have your own script, there is simplest to the most prepared, they have strategic places to stay, media devices, emotional appeal and are very creative. Some of them caught my attention:
There was a time when it was just walk by train with hands outstretched, but today’s this don’t have the same results, see some example that get my attention.
The most interesting and surprising that I saw was on the bus, I did not know there was this practice in bus too.
A boy with a child enters on the bus, asks permission to the driver and makes the following speech.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m here, humility, bagging for your collaboration, cause the cooking gas in my house ended, I’m unemployed and I live in east (PS: I was in the west), on the bus he received donations of a minimum 20 people, if really is true that he lives on east and came make him speech in many bus, certainly he just has money to buy the gas and stove! But the focus in this article isn’t mathematical, is only marketing.
Another case interesting on train was a old woman saying have cancer, unemployed, etc., crying a lot she begging, and asked for Goodness any help, coincidentally she got off the train at the same station that I, and we sat on the same bank, it’s ironic that in the exactly moment that she got off the train she stopped crying, her breathing returned to normal and she quietly count the money received.
To not to be a tedious read, I will cite only some parts of some cases.
I’ve seen: “Can you give me help cause I need make a job interview and I don’t have money to go”, “Someone help me cause I got out of jail now, because I killed my daughter's rapist”, “Help me, I was evicted today”, “I have meningitis, labyrinthitis, pneumonia, stroke”, and also ask complains that no one gives help, and so on.
Beyond slogans: “better to ask than to steal”, “Could be you”, “an amount not to be missed”, “Can be anything”, “I accept transportation tickets / meal”, etc.
See, it’s a really promising market isn’t it, imagine what an analyst would say about it:
Speak loudly and confident, don’t stay only in the extremities of the carriage, look in the eyes of each one when ask, use appropriate clothing, involves the people with stories, use yours feeling.
Think about it, the evolution was so great that the famous “marreteiros (halkers)” had to improve yours methods to fight against this unfair competition, diversify products, make kind of theater like that : “two vendors enter on the same wagon , each one in a side of wagon and start selling with a normal price, for example R$3,00 or R$5,00, then one of the vendors says: “ Olha o RAPA!!!”(Security guards), we need sell all products! (Sell at lower price)”, so starts the sell about R$1,00 for example.
I thought this is very cool, and I’d like to share these experiences, even being funny, but still tragic.
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